In this episode, Cheryl discuss:

Educating your client and pricing property properly Giving value to your client, whether seller or buyer Why you should write an airtight contract  Educating yourself to learn all necessary skills 

Key Takeaways:

Educate your client, your buyer, or your seller. Answer every question, help them understand the market, and help them understand the severity of that legally binding contract that they are about to sign. Also, learn to price property properly. Be a strategy advisor in the pricing arena for your client regardless of how the market is doing.  If you represent the seller, know how to market the property, do it in a way where it stands out and stands above its competition. If you represent the buyer, you must learn where to find the property so that you can make your buyer's dream come true - to find a property that’s closest to what they’re looking for in all aspects, including price.  Make sure to write an airtight contract. Take the time to not just go through the price, but look at everything. It’s worth it to have an extra set of eyes to look at it. Don’t write a contract if you’re tired, hungry, or in a hurry.  Learn every skill that you can that you will need to close the transaction and get it across the finish line. Negotiation is definitely one skill that you could get better at through training and workshops. 

“Building relationships of trust allows you to build both a business and a life that you love. Have a life of service,  recognizing you're not going to get every transaction and recognizing that you are there to serve as many people.”  —  Cheryl Knowlton 


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Show notes by Podcastologist: Justine Talla


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