Discover the surprising journey of a former graphic designer turned realtor and podcaster. From crippling anxiety to finding purpose, Brian Parrish shares his inspiring and unexpected path to freedom and fulfillment. Uncover the unexpected twist that led him to pursue his passions and the powerful question that guides his life. Listen in to find out how he turned his $30 podcast into a labor of love and the lessons he learned along the way. Tune in for this unexpected and inspiring conversation that will leave you feeling energized and ready to pursue your own passions.


In this episode, Cheryl Knowlton and Brian Parrish discuss how to:

Break free from limitations and pursue your passions.

Embrace the power of gratitude and stay true to yourself.

Take risks and find growth in embracing discomfort.

Find meaning in your actions and live with purpose.

Discover and share your unique gifts with the world.


Key Takeaways:

Unleash Potential and Pursue Passions

Embracing personal passions leads to unleashing one's ultimate potential. This episode highlights Brian Parrish's journey of breaking free from the rut of his previous career, leading him toward his passions in real estate and podcasting. Unveiling the potential within oneself often necessitates abandoning societal norms, taking risks, and venturing outside one's comfort zone.

Cultivate Fulfillment through Gratitude

Gratitude is a pivotal catalyst for fulfillment. By expressing appreciation for the experiences and opportunities that life presents, individuals can unlock a unique silo of happiness and satisfaction. This episode emphasizes the significance of gratitude, underpinning this value as a pathway for achieving personal and professional goals while maintaining a grounded sense of self-worth.

Embrace Growth and Transformation

Personal growth and transformation are crucial in the pursuit of self-evolution and contentment. By embracing discomfort and challenging traditional expectations, individuals open the doorway to meaningful change and growth. 


“Try stuff. Stop listening to other people. It's not their life. It's your life. Don't listen to your parents. Go live and try things. And if it doesn't work, try it. ” 

-Brian Parrish


About the guest, Brian Parrish:

At the age of 48, Brian Parrish underwent a profound life transformation, transitioning from a two-decade-long career in graphic design where he was merely surviving. Brian had mastered the art of survival as he was taught, but his soul experienced daily deterioration. Feeling purposeless, he reached a point where he contemplated not existing for the next 40 years.

Five and a half years ago, Brian ventured into the realm of real estate, achieving more than he had ever thought possible. Simultaneously, he initiated a podcast and successfully produced 150 episodes, reveling in the joy of encouraging people to share their stories.



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Show notes by Podcastologist: Hanz Jimuel Alvarez


Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You're the expert. Your podcast will prove it.