Get ready to transform your voice into a superpower with the latest episode of Command Performances! Join host Cheryl Knowlton and the inspiring Becky Kemp as they dive deep into The Word Effect. Discover Becky's personal journey from feeling stuck to becoming a sought-after speaker and author. Learn how the words we choose shape our reality, influencing our path to success or deterring us from our dreams. 


In this episode, Cheryl Knowlton and Becky Kemp discuss how to:

Learn about the power of words and their positive or negative impact on your life

Understand the importance of acknowledging your dreams, asking better questions, and having an abundance mindset

Gain insights into the journey of writing a book and the significance of consistently showing up for your dreams

Discover the value of celebrating accomplishments, focusing on the good, and embracing the journey of progression

Understand the role of making decisions, learning from failures, and seeking solutions in achieving your dreams

Learn how to cultivate your vision by being intentional with your language and focusing on what you can do


Key Takeaways:

The Word Effect

Becky's book on ”The Word Effect" is a pivotal part of her discussion, as it unravels the immense influence our words have. Positive language can propel us forward, while negative terminology can hold us back. 

Consistency and discipline

Consistency in nurturing our goals, as Becky points out, is critical. She talks about the discipline required to show up for your dreams and the need for self-investment. In doing so, she extols the virtues of patience and curiosity in the journey of book-writing, echoing her positive experience with Leadership Books in publishing her manuscript.

Celebrating small triumphs

The conversation also touches upon the value of celebrating our triumphs rather than rushing past them. Acknowledging our strides helps in training our minds to focus on the positive and appreciate the beauty of growth.


“Words are powerful and they really do matter. And you have the power to choose those words you put in your life. That's what's so awesome. You have the power to decide and to become intentional with them. And as you do that, you can cultivate and create the life that you've always wanted.” 

-Becky Kemp


About the guest, Becky Kemp:

Becky Kemp's life took a turn in 2005 when faced with the unexpected arrival of another son, challenging her carefully laid plans. In this moment of turmoil, she unearthed the transformative power of words, leading to the creation of "The Word Effect," a philosophy distilled into seven simple yet profound words that serve as a guiding light for individuals and organizations alike, empowering them to rewrite their narratives and shape lives of authenticity and fulfillment. Through her book, coaching, and speaking engagements, Becky inspires others to embrace the profound impact of language, becoming architects of their own destinies.














Show notes by Podcastologist: Hanz Jimuel Alvarez


Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You're the expert. Your podcast will prove it.