Dipesh Mistry, Associate Creative Director and Art Director at Brave agency joins Mad Influence to talk about the host of powerful campaigns he’s created which have caused real change in the world. From forcing Mattel, Hasbro and Disney to adopt a zero deforestation policy, to helping Age UK tell the real stories of the people they support.

We talk about his work for Brixton Finishing School which helps underrepresented groups of people gain access to the advertising industry, and his proactive idea which John Frieda implemented to donate hair to children who’ve lost it due to serious illness.

We discuss the ups and downs of 2020, his really personal reasons for understanding the pros and cons of remote versus face to face working and why an office culture is about more than ping pong tables and free pizza.  We also talk about how working in an industry which often measures success by likes online can risk filtering into our personal lives and get his advice for people starting out.

You can follow Dip on twitter at @Made_By_Mistry and on Instagram at @made_by_mistry

We recorded this episode remotely with music by Joseph Mcdade. It contains some strong language.

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