In today’s episode, we’re going to chat ALL about the basics of tracking macros and how it can help you find freedom from the restrictive diet mentality. I share the action steps I personally took to break free from the diet world, and how tracking macros the right way has allowed me to eat far over 2,000 calories a day without the mass weight regain associated with eating more. I explain what macros are and why a healthy balance of protein, carbs, and fat is needed for sustainable weight loss and muscle growth. Enjoy the episode!


Times to Check Out:

(05:22) “Food was my enemy”

(08:22) Unlearning the diet mentality

(15:17) Put yourself first

(18:24) What are macros?

(21:26) Planning a balanced diet for food freedom

(26:12) Calculating macros


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→ Free Webinar: Healing Your Metabolism through Reverse Dieting, Food Freedom, and Weight Loss Webinar: click me!


→ Free Macro & Food Freedom Guide For Beginners! New to macros? Start here! Your fast-pass guide to understanding how macros can help you  enjoy “bad” foods again… while losing weight! click me!


💻 Courses:

The Macro Calculator, Reverse Diet Course, and Macro Cookbooks: click me!


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