Introduction to “Taal volcano – Tourist attraction becomes danger zone”

 In this episode of the Lifestyle, Travel & Technology podcast, the hosts Alexander, Garry & Nikky cover the natural catastrophe that took place in early January of 2020 in the Philippines. Taal volcano and its caldera, famous for its picturesque views and considered as a hot spot for social influencers to get awesome shots, was given an alert level 4 for having the potential of an immediate explosive eruption. This tragedy, despite not yet in its full form, has devastated thousands of locals and tourists and could affect millions more. 

In this episode the hosts will discuss the possible outcome of the Taal volcano and how it could affect Metro Manila, the most densely populated city on the planet with a population of around 13 million people. The volcanic ash is highly toxic, and people require a specific mask to protect themselves. The hosts also go through how it is affecting businesses and other households, as the city is preparing for a complete shutdown, which could increase the criminal activity. 

Podcast Episode Summary

Island within a lake on an island within a lake on an island – Taal volcano/calderaAlert level 4 for the Taal volcano – spewing ash and creating volcanic lightningManila – 60km away – most densely populated city in the worldVolcanic ash could travel all the way to European cities Other volcanos in the worldSchools are shutdown, tourists are stranded in airports, thousands are affected – could affect millions moreCity could be on lockdown when worst case scenario happensSpecific fish species only found in the lake 


Alex – “…they still need to support their family’s…”

Nikky – “…they cant afford to stay indoors…”

Garry – “…its been active in the last 200 to 300 years…”  

Alex – “…people living around that area really depend on fishing and the agriculture…” 

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