Introduction to “Healthy lifestyle and sustainable living”

 In this episode of the Lifestyle, Travel & Technology podcast, the hosts, Alexander, Garry & Nikky talk about the trend that is growing bigger day after day – Veganism. Nikky, having been a vegan for about 2 years, talks about his experience changing his lifestyle and having a plant-based only diet. Alexander also shares what he does to contribute to fighting global climate change, as this is a sensitive topic that needs increased awareness.  

There are many ways for an individual to do his/her part, even if its just a small contribution. Something is better than not doing anything at all. The hosts speak about what these things are, you can do, from taking public transportation, to checking your grocery’s that you buy and making sure the products you check out, are locally sourced, or at least sourced from a neighboring country. It doesn’t stop there, you can even stop buying plastic bags and bring your own reusable shopping bag, also buying alternative soaps and toothpastes that don’t include micro plastics like micro beads that pollute the oceans, will cut down the usage of plastics. All that and more in this episode, so tune in.

Podcast Episode Summary

Globalization and how easy it is to get various products nowadays – at a cost!Beyond Meat! – Plant-based meat = sustainable substitute for meatCO2 emissions with transportation of food and drinksShift in society for sustainable living Being vegan, why eat something that is supposed to look and taste like meat?Buy local if possible, even if it means paying a little bit more (if you can afford it)Driving in the city with a car or public transportationWould you travel further distances like Greta Thunberg?Smaller populations would be easier to convince and educate on sustainable living


Alex – “…most people that actually eat meat, they don’t think about the dead animal that they are eating…” 

Garry – “…for example, veganism: they care about the environment, as well…”

Nikky – “…how fragile our planet is as a whole, actually…”

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