Introduction to “3D printers are becoming a household product and changing whole industries”

 In this episode of the Lifestyle, Travel & Technology podcast, the hosts Alexander, Garry & Nikky cover the new trend that is 3D printing. 3D printers come in many shapes and sizes and are found in households, small businesses and large corporations. Some of the hosts have had their experience with such printers and wanted to form a company around it, so tune in to find out who and how they wanted to do this.

In this episode, the hosts will also talk about a 3D pen, that Nikky got for Christmas. They will review this pen and give you an example on how to use it, what purpose it has and whether it is worth the money. The hosts will also cover the use of household 3D printers, share their thoughts on which direction the evolution of 3D printing could take and if it even makes sense to buy such a machine, despite the technology still being very young and still has a lot of room for improvement. The technology behind these printers will be discussed and what a user needs to do and be capable of to use this product efficiently. Different industries, such as medical and engineering industries, are turning to this new technology and betting big on it, even food can be 3D printed!

Podcast Episode Summary

2 main techniques of 3D printing and the difference between themFilament of such 3D printers: Wood, metal,…How it worksPrinting organsApplications of 3D printing and duration of the printingPrinting food3D printing penBlockchain Technology and 3D printing – Mining cryptocurrency as you print Home business with 3D printing


Nikky – “…you can get access to so so many 3D prints online…”

Alex – “…so it’s not sustainable...?”

Garry – “…how strong are these parts…?”

Nikky – “…the applications are endless…”

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