Is 2023 the year when the robots take over?  

With the recent release of Chat GPT, many coaches are considering how AI will affect their future careers.  

Stuart welcomes Dr. Krista Scott-Dixon back onto the Lift the bar podcast to explore this and many other questions. Expect to learn what AI should be used for and what it shouldn’t, why being solution-focused leads to better client success and the best way to future-proof your coaching skill set. 



  1:26- Should personal trainers coach nutrition? 

3:10- Should nutrition and exercise be separate services? 

6:47- Why trainers should refer to other professionals for detailed nutrition support.  

12:17- Being a solution-focused coach. 

22:51- What does AI bring to coaching? 

33:02- How could a new coach use Chat GPT? 

34:52- Will AI be able to write good training programs? 

41:16- How can coaches future-proof their skillsets?  


Find Out More About Krista:

Ig:  Website: 


Find Out More About LTB:

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 Is 2023 the year when the robots take over?  

With the recent release of Chat GPT, many coaches are considering how AI will affect their future careers.  

Stuart welcomes Dr. Krista Scott-Dixon back onto the Lift the bar podcast to explore this and many other questions. Expect to learn what AI should be used for and what it shouldn’t, why being solution-focused leads to better client success and the best way to future-proof your coaching skill set. 



  1:26- Should personal trainers coach nutrition? 

3:10- Should nutrition and exercise be separate services? 

6:47- Why trainers should refer to other professionals for detailed nutrition support.  

12:17- Being a solution-focused coach. 

22:51- What does AI bring to coaching? 

33:02- How could a new coach use Chat GPT? 

34:52- Will AI be able to write good training programs? 

41:16- How can coaches future-proof their skillsets?  


Find Out More About Krista:

Ig:  Website: 


Find Out More About LTB:

Instagram:  Website:  Free Trial: