Oh dear warriors. I honestly can’t believe I haven’t yet shared these tools with you or made a post about my experience with energy vampires.

I will cut myself a break as I probably needed to do more healing first.

Today I'm ready.

Energy vampires, cluster B personality disorders, negative people....they're out there.

This podcast will help you identify them and give you tools that work magic in these relationships.

If you are currently married to one of these personality types, please reach out to me or another professional.

If we don’t change these relationships we pass this trauma down to our children or to others in our relationships circle.

If you’re not in this sort of relationship but know someone who is, please share this important episode.

These relationships are deeply wounding to our emotional health and as I unfortunately discovered, our physical health as well.

You matter to me, dear warrior.

While this is not an easy topic to discuss it is far too damaging not to.

I stand before you as someone who has found peace. As a vision of what's possible when you get help and use these tools.

You deserve to feel loved and cherished.

Not scared and crazy.

You matter to me.

Show notes for this episode can be found at https://www.smbwell.com/119

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The post How to Deal With Energy Vampires in Your Life appeared first on Susie Pettit.