“Style is a simple way of saying complicated things.” — Jean Cocteau

What is sexy? How do you know what is sexy and what is not?
How do you exactly do that?

·         Exercise regularly; both aerobic and anaerobic exercises have their benefits to your body.  ·         Meditate to detoxify your mind and to create a blank slate for imaginative juices to flow.  ·         Healthy eating is good for your body, mind and spirit.       Partner with your spouse in regular activities other than just the gym. ·         Attend self-improvement programs together, to help each of you to work on the self. ·         Attend spiritual growth functions together. ·         Volunteer ·         Live, love laugh: Have fun and allow yourself to be goofy, laugh at your self and with each other.  Away with busy! Bring back the fun into the bedroom.  

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