Finances are what makes you realise your dreams, your vacations, your lifestyle and also helps you build wealth. Finances require you to work together as a team; to synergize.   Personal space on the hand is asking you the exact opposite; To let your spouse have some time to himself or herself. Personal space is allowing your spouse to reconnect with the inner self without any demands or expectations from anyone.

One would wonder what these two have in common: Most couples don’t know how to handle them. We don't like talking about them, to avoid hurting or being hurt.

 How often do you budget as a couple or as a family?
·         How about savings for your children’s college fees?

·         Do you blame each other in times of financial crisis?

·         How many accounts do you have as an individual and as a couple and are they necessary?

·         How do you pay yourselves after each pay-day? 

·         What percentage of your earnings goes into savings and investments?

Why do you need time to be alone?
·         To meditate and reflect on day’s events 

·         To empty oneself of the negative energy one may have picked from work or acquaintances

·         To think independently without being harassed into action

·         To enhance creativity;