Episode Three: The Grey Area of drinking. In this episode of LoveSober - The podcast, we discuss dispelling the myth that drinking alcohol is black and white, normal or alcoholism and the importance of widening the conversation on what “problem” drinking can be. We also talk about the wine witch and Addictive Voice Recognition Technique ®. We finish with some #reasonstolovesober Resources mentioned: EDIT Podcast – Jolene Park and Aidan Donnelley Rowley http://editpodcast.libsyn.com/ Claire Pooley - http://mummywasasecretdrinker.blogspot.fr/ Newsround report - http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/13848214 Jack Trimpney, Rational Recovery - https://rational.org/index.php?id=1 Catherine Grey - https://www.bookdepository.com/Unexpected-Joy-Being-Sober-Catherine-Gray/9781912023387 Wolfie - http://www.tiredofthinkingaboutdrinking.com/ Alcohol Use Disorder - https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/alcohol-health/overview-alcohol-consumption/alcohol-use-disorders Please do contact us with questions, potential topics or situations you’d like to be discussed – we’d love to hear from you, all our contact details are available at www.lovesober.com Many thanks to: J.Fletch Produkshunz for Music and Editing.