Episode 115

This week we had a brilliant chat with the wonderful Lotta Dann.

Lotta Dann has a degree in broadcasting and communications and a master’s degree in film, television and media studies. She worked for over twenty years as a TV journalist and producer while also developing a nasty addiction to alcohol. She got sober aged 39 with the help of an anonymous blog called 'Mrs. D Is Going Without' which eventually became a best-selling memoir of the same name. Another memoir, 'Mrs D Is Going Within', came next and she has just released her third book, 'The Wine O'Clock Myth: The truth you need to know about women and alcohol' which is an exploration of the alcohol-centric culture we live in and the impact it's having on women. She manages the large online community Living Sober (www.livingsober.org.nz).

So grab a cuppa and let’s chat.

Love K & M

You can follow her here:

Instagram @mrs_d_alcoholfree 
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/mrsdisgoingwithout
Twitter @mrsdalcoholfree

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