Miracles Kept Secret
Have you ever wondered what happens to kids who are able see things that no one else sees—child visionaries who see religious figures and other supernatural phenomena? These types of experiences are quite often viewed as abnormal (the visionary is crazy) or the work of the devil. In this interview, Dr. Irene Blinston will break open the lie perpetuated by science and Christian religions which has forced many people who were childhood visionaries into a lifetime of secrecy. Dr. Blinston is one of the first researchers to tread this touchy territory, spending seven years studying adults who experienced supernatural visionary events as children. During her research, Dr. Blinston discovered that people are impacted by these events, and they experience some amazing lifelong aftereffects. Dr. Blinston says there is a need to educate and train health care providers, teachers, clergy, and parents in order to help kids who are often changed by these events. If you think you may have experienced a visionary event as a child, or your child may have, you’ll want to tune into this interview.