During my last interview with channel Joan Walker (she channels Kuthumi and AAGabriel) we began talking about the human energy field, and the importance of maintaining its balance and hence one's health.  This was toward the end of our one hour talk, and we got about halfway through the chakras when the hour ended.  We both want to tak further about the chakras and energy field maintenance, as this is of utmost importance to our proper functioning during "the shift"
Unfortunately, most people totally ignore chakra maintenance. Many believe this is baby-stuff, just for beginners.  Trust me, when Joan Walker talks about it, it is for EVERYONE.  Why? If your chakras are not functioning well, you can get really screwed-up. And Joan is a master of this subject of chakras.
You would not drive a car that never had a tune-up or oil change, would you? How old is your "vehicle?" When was the last time you "serviced" your energy body?