Founder of Deskpass, Chief Operating Officer at Miami Refresh, and serial entrepreneur Nicole Vasquez (@nicolereneev) builds communities and then connects them to resources that help them reach their goals. Her drive has empowered emerging communities to thrive around the world.

Fusing a decade of entrepreneurial success with an innate ability to synthesize information and create systems, Nicole co-founded Deskpass, a hybrid work technology company connecting remote workers to a global community of on-demand workspaces where she is now an advisor. In addition to utilizing a human-first approach to scaling business operations, Nicole is an expert community builder and author, having sold two coworking spaces with online communities and published an eBook titled How to Plan and Launch an Online Community. A go-to voice with the media, you will find her insights in Barron's Penta, Cheddar News, and Thrillist.

In our conversation, she shares a thoughtful perspective on finding efficiency, sustainability, and optimization within workstyle and the workplace, no matter the size. To her, self-care is just as much about setting the necessary boundaries to take the space needed as it is to participate in the activity.

Learn about Nicole's work at and