Christopher Hudspeth is the owner and operator of Pegasus on Church and the Chair of The Village Business Improvement Area, and a letter posted to Facebook last week went viral getting picked up by many media outlets on the inadequate government assistance provided to small businesses who cannot bear to weather the storm of the current lock down alone. 

Christopher walks us through the current programs, the harm of delivery apps, and a future Toronto where big-bog retail and restaurants are all that's left. 

If you're looking to help encourage the government to fix this, Christopher suggests that you please add your name to the petitions below.

To get in touch with Christopher:

[email protected]


Launched in April 2020, Lockdown Toronto is a new vodcast/podcast series hosted by Robert Andreacchi that focuses on the experience of living under lock down in Toronto. Lockdown Toronto will feature various guests from the medical, political, cultural, and business community, and everyone in-between. 

Proudly part of the Pod6ix network.

Like and subscribe to our youtube, facebook pages and for audio only, search "Lockdown Toronto" on whatever podcast platform you use or click on the RSS link below. 



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