Are $$ billion and $$$ trillion dollar investment firms gearing up to seize housing in this crisis?

Geordie Dent is the Executive Director of the Federation of Metro Tenants' Associations (FMTA) which is the foremost group representing tenant rights in Toronto.

In this incredibly interesting discussion we touch on the unique precariousness that tenants are facing due to this crisis, and the looming eviction crisis coming to Toronto.

Additionally, we discuss entities like the future of Airbnb and the fact that billion/trillion dollar investment funds are seeking to pick up whatever excess housing supply that may come on line in Toronto due to this crisis as a way to park money, and in many cases never rent them out. These entities are evidently informing government policy on housing in our City.

+ much more!

To know more about your rights, evictions, dealing with shady and unsafe landlord behaviour, contact the Federation of Metro Tenants' Associations (FMTA) at

Hotline Number: 416-921-9494

Organizational Inquiries: 416-646-1772


Launched in April 2020, Lockdown Toronto is a new vodcast/podcast series hosted by Robert Andreacchi that focuses on the experience of living under lock down in Toronto. Lockdown Toronto will feature various guests from the medical, political, cultural, and business community, and everyone in-between.

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