In 1938 when the cloud of WWII was looming close Great Britain was questioning the funding of the arts, Winston Churchill remarked: 

“The arts are essential to any complete national life. The State owes it to itself to sustain and encourage them…. Ill fares the society which fails to salute the arts with the reverence and delight which are their due.”

Emily May Rose is an award-winning artist and illustrator based in Toronto and she joins the cast in this episode to speak to the fate of Toronto's Art Scene during and after the lock down. 

Her work has reached the corner of four continents and she is an owner of the Northern Contemporary Gallery in Parkdale.

She's also a jurist for the City's Patch Project and works closely with the StreetArt Toronto program which helps beautify our city. 

The urban environment is heavily featured in her work and you may have seen her trademark stuff given it heavily features raccoons getting into all sorts of trouble. 

During the show we spoke about various support initiatives that viewers can get involved with. They are linked below. If you have the means to contribute, please do.


Proudly part of the Pod6ix network.

Launched in April 2020, Lockdown Toronto is a new vodcast/podcast series hosted by Robert Andreacchi that focuses on the experience of living under lock down in Toronto. Lockdown Toronto will feature various guests from the medical, political, cultural, and business community, and everyone in-between. 

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