Lockdown Toronto brings in Tiawanese Doctor,  Warren Wei-Jen Wang, M.D. to speak about the early days of the pandemic in Taiwan.

Dr. Warren Wei-Jen Wang is an emergency medical specialist who has a primary care practise in Taiwan. He is a Member of the Taiwan Society of Emergency Medicine, a Member of the Taiwan Medical Association as well as running Taiwan's Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu Academy. He also divides his time between Taiwan and California where his children are currently studying. 

Dr. Wang was on the ground in the earliest days of the pandemic when he and his colleagues noticed an a-typical flu like symptoms in their clinics as early as November. The unknown nature of this disease and unidentifiable nature of it in November means international spread may have ocurred much earlier than previously understood. 

Dr. Wang helps us understand what 'doing it right' looks like. SARS, MERS, Swine Flu all hit Taiwan often and thus they had a robust 124 point plan on the shelf ready to go when the Covid pandemic hit. As a result, Taiwan has had only a few hundred cases, and only 6 deaths in a dense population of 24 million people. No lockdown or economic shutdown, and no intensely draconian containment measures. Taiwan has enjoyed multiple days of no new cases and continues to be an open and active society and economy because of their success in tackling this early, and systemically. 


Launched in April 2020, Lockdown Toronto is a new vodcast/podcast series that focuses on the experience of living under lockdown in Toronto. Lockdown Toronto will feature various guests from the medical, political, cultural, and business community, and everyone in-between. 

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