Apps For Website Change Monitoring, Change Detection, and Alerts

Nowadays, there are many great website change detector apps to help monitor website changes and give you instant alerts to said changes! Ever have the pleasure of receiving a message from your customer, telling you your website is down? Or that you have an error on the page preventing them to buy or contact you? It's fun, right? No matter how great things seem to be going, errors can happen in an instant! We'll break down some of the free and low cost apps we use for change monitoring and to keep us instantly informed! Plus - learn how to use these same apps to spy on what your competition is doing!


How to automatically monitor your website for downtime Get automatic alerts if your website goes offline, and when it comes back online Monitor your website for hacking and hijacking issues How to make sure your website does not have plugins causing on-page issues Ensure any content embedded into your website is always active Monitor specific landing pages to ensure they are always up and working properly Catch changes any hackers, malware, viruses, or bots make to your website Monitor the source code of your website for unauthorized changes Monitor your Facebook, Twitter, Yelp, or other social accounts for changes and updates Get alerted when content on other websites changes - like pricing on Amazon Spy on your competitors websites for content updates and get notified when it changes Get instant alerts when your competition updates it's online prices Monitor your competitors website to see what new keywords they are targeting Get alerted when your brand is mentioned on specific websites Setup notifications when important websites are updated with new posts or content Create alerts to monitor your competitors social media accounts

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