Develop A System To Consistently Produce New Content For Your Website

Content is king, but producing good relevant content for your website is easier said than done.  Especially if you need to put out that content on a regular basis.  In this episode we share some tips and tactics on how to create a content production strategy that allows you to stay on track and keep putting out fresh content.  Learn how to get easy ideas for content, what type of content you should produce, and how often you should be creating it.  Plus, don't forget to setup your website to automatically alert Google when you have new content on your site, too!

What You’ll Learn You need to have a regular content production schedule to continually produce new content for your website Your level or quantity of content production will depend on what your competition is doing You can research your competition to see what their content output is by viewing their blog, or checking their XML sitemaps You need to be active in producing new content because Google is continually looking for new content to show in search results Use an XML sitemap and submit your website to Google via Google Search Console to automatically get your new content submitted to Google Putting out content with 1,200-1,500 words on the page once per week is ideal, but at least once per month or every two weeks is okay Sit down one day per month (or quarter) and list out the content or topics you will be working from Easy ideas for content creation can include things like category pages, FAQ pages, Q&A, industry news, internal company news or events, and local community related topics You can create new content for your website by using case studies or customer testimonials Do keyword research to find out the most popular keyword searches for services or products you want to be found for so you can write content specifically for those topics You can use a freelancer to help create content for your website, but make sure you understand the process yourself first

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