Reasons Your GMB List Can Get Suspended and How You Can Get Your Listing Unsuspended   You definitely do not want to get your Google My Business page suspended, since your GMB listing is such a crucial part of ranking high in Google for many popular local search terms.  However, if your GMB got suspended, there is hope!  In our first "Beer Friday" episode we'll discuss GMB suspensions, the reasons for getting suspended, and how you can get reinstated using the Google local businesses reinstatement requests.  We'll also drink a beer. Cheers!   What You’ll Learn First Beer Friday episode - where we drink beer and talk SEO Beer is from Bald Man Brewing in Eagan, MN Reasons why your Google My Business listing can get suspended How to get your GMB listing reinstated if it gets suspended One of the more common reasons for getting your GMB suspended is because you check the box that says you have a storefront and serve customers at your location, when you do not have actually have a store front If your business category is one that Google considers risky, such as locksmiths or criminal lawyers If you deal with regulated goods, such as firearms, pharmaceuticals, or other controlled items Your Google My Business listing can be suspended for having multiple listings for the same business A good way to double check and see if you have duplicate Google My Business listings is to do a Google search on your address in Google Maps If you find a duplicate listing, and it's not currently claimed by you, you can claim it and then mark it as a duplicate or as closed Your can get a GMB suspended if you have incorrect information on your listing If you try and use keywords in your GMB business name, you run a high risk of getting your listing suspended If you make too many changes to the primary business info fields, such as your name, address, or phone number, you can get suspended Having a fake web address or a redirected website address listed on your GMB can get your GMB suspended If you have multiple business locations, you can get suspended for overlapping your service areas on multiple GMB listings If you do get your GMB listing suspended, it is possible to get your GMB reinstated by following the reinstatement process from Google It usually takes 24-72 hours for Google to respond to your reinstatement request If you don't get reinstated, you can try it again You can also send a Tweet to Google for questions or problems with your GMB Your individual GMB listing can get suspended, or even worse, your entire GMB account (and all listings) can get suspended

View the show notes, resource links, episode transcript, and watch the video version at

Reasons Your GMB List Can Get Suspended and How You Can Get Your Listing Unsuspended   You definitely do not want to get your Google My Business page suspended, since your GMB listing is such a crucial part of ranking high in Google for many popular local search terms.  However, if your GMB got suspended, there is hope!  In our first "Beer Friday" episode we'll discuss GMB suspensions, the reasons for getting suspended, and how you can get reinstated using the Google local businesses reinstatement requests.  We'll also drink a beer. Cheers!   What You’ll Learn First Beer Friday episode - where we drink beer and talk SEO Beer is from Bald Man Brewing in Eagan, MN Reasons why your Google My Business listing can get suspended How to get your GMB listing reinstated if it gets suspended One of the more common reasons for getting your GMB suspended is because you check the box that says you have a storefront and serve customers at your location, when you do not have actually have a store front If your business category is one that Google considers risky, such as locksmiths or criminal lawyers If you deal with regulated goods, such as firearms, pharmaceuticals, or other controlled items Your Google My Business listing can be suspended for having multiple listings for the same business A good way to double check and see if you have duplicate Google My Business listings is to do a Google search on your address in Google Maps If you find a duplicate listing, and it's not currently claimed by you, you can claim it and then mark it as a duplicate or as closed Your can get a GMB suspended if you have incorrect information on your listing If you try and use keywords in your GMB business name, you run a high risk of getting your listing suspended If you make too many changes to the primary business info fields, such as your name, address, or phone number, you can get suspended Having a fake web address or a redirected website address listed on your GMB can get your GMB suspended If you have multiple business locations, you can get suspended for overlapping your service areas on multiple GMB listings If you do get your GMB listing suspended, it is possible to get your GMB reinstated by following the reinstatement process from Google It usually takes 24-72 hours for Google to respond to your reinstatement request If you don't get reinstated, you can try it again You can also send a Tweet to Google for questions or problems with your GMB Your individual GMB listing can get suspended, or even worse, your entire GMB account (and all listings) can get suspended

View the show notes, resource links, episode transcript, and watch the video version at