“Healing is an inside job,”  says Dr. Jayne Marquis an experienced Naturopathic and Homeopathy Doctor, podcaster and author, the featured badass guest on LOA Uncorked.  Once Holli and Jeanna figure out how to pronounce homeopathy, they get so excited that the questions continue rolling and don’t let the guest leave.  Dr. Jayne addresses just about everything how to heal depression, anxiety, the common cold as well as COVID.

She has written a book, Jayne’s INpowered Handbook, featuring homeopathic remedies and cell salts for everyday use. This is a must for everyone, particularly families with small children.  We walk through why Kali Phos, Ferrum Phos cell salts should be in everyone’s medicine cabinet (link below to purchase).

Holli and Jeanna really don’t understand why homeopathy remedies are not widely known.  Big Pharma - SUCKS!!

More about Dr Jayne:

Dr. Jayne has always loved challenging herself: she was a Canadian Ballroom dance champion, a pilot, a trampolinist and an equestrian.  A new layer of her life began the day she and her husband became parents of twins. That miracle of life made her work in the healing arts even more important. Her work with families and children took on new meaning, as did her search for wholeness in her own body. Jayne was able to witness firsthand the power and efficacy of Homeopathic Remedies and Cell or Tissue Salts and felt everyone should have this at their fingertips. 

Dr. Jayne Marquis has always believed that we are more than meets the eye. She resonated with the teaching of Bruce Lipton and his book “The Biology of Belief” at an early age. His teaching that our mind is connected to our physical body and that our thoughts can affect a cascade of physical responses, simply made sense. She was also influenced by the teachings of Barbara Brennan, a Nassau scientist who could see the human energy field and showed how thought, emotion, and toxins affected our energetic body.

Jayne finally decided to follow her deep intuition and left the family business to become a Naturopathic Doctor. She achieved her diploma at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, to become a Naturopathic Doctor, and The Ontario College of Homeopathic Medicine, to become a homeopath.  She fell in love with homeopathy, a true mind-body medicine, that takes not only physical symptoms but also mental and emotional symptoms into consideration. In becoming an ND she studied Chinese medicine, Acupuncture, Botanical Medicine, Massage, Nutrition and Orthomolecular Medicine. Her journey has been far-reaching.

Jayne’s desire to awaken people to their own inner power and ability to find their true health resulted in her international podcast “INpowered Mind, INpowered Health”.  There she interviews people from around the world who share their perspectives and expertise on health and empowerment.  

Today, Dr. Jayne Marquie wholeheartedly continues to guide her patients toward empowerment, knowledge, and health. She wants people to remember how strong and incredibly powerful they truly are. She wants everyone to become INpowered.

LOA Uncorked Assignment: Join the LOA community, subscribe at www.loauncorked.com

Podcast References:

Website:https://inpoweredhealth.com/ Where to find cell salts:  https://www.amazon.com/s?k=hylands+cell+salts&crid=JROK6J4HSNJL&sprefix=hylands+cell+salts%2Caps%2C140&ref=nb_sb_noss_1 Jayne’s book:  https://inpoweredhealth.com/books/ Jayne’s podcast:  https://inpoweredhealth.com/elementor-337/

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