Ok, sooooo Holli & Jeanna get a little giddy when a badass psychic and medium is in the LOA Uncorked house!  Before the guest arrives, they are debating the principles of what dead people can tell us and whether they are qualified to give us any advice….Holli insists that if the person was not good at advice in the living, what would make them qualified once they die.  Thankfully, we have internationally renowned medium Karen Docherty to put an end to this debate and offer so much more precious answers to our listeners.  What is a psychic versus a medium and what is the difference between a modern and traditional medium are all questions answered!

We discuss why there is a perception that some people receive messages from their deceased loved ones without the help of a medium and some never hear from their loved ones.  Holli’s mother, a very bad ass granny, has promised her grandson to come back after she passes (thriving at 94) and knock over the salt shaker that best represents what the hec is going on on the other side.  Shaker #1 God, shaker #2 no God, #3 something but not God.   The grandson said if all the shakers which are displayed prominently in his room even though his grandmother is alive are all knocked over, he may lose his mind.  Enter savior, Karen who gives us tips on how to receive messages from loved ones.  Our loved ones come through as our guardians as they want the best for us, we can all get their loving messages. 

Since the discovery of her abilities, Karen has worked tirelessly to bring the word of Spirit to those who need it most. From the UK to the USA, from Asia to Australia, clients from all over the world meet with Karen to receive readings, enroll in mentorships and hold a space for discussions on the power of Spirit.  A woman with spirit and a breath of fresh air, Karen offers a contemporary approach to psychic work and mediumship based on traditional principles. Filled with love and compassion, she stands as one of the most reputable and skilled mediums in modern times. Karen offers 1-2-1 sessions as well as mentorship. She also gives public demonstrations of mediumship. 

More about Karen:

I'm a psychic medium. By using my higher senses I communicate with souls on both sides of the veil. I'm like a bridge between the physical and the non-physical world.  I feel immense joy in serving my clients and their loved ones on the other side. Letting those from the spirit world communicate through me with their physical family and friends creates healing of emotional pain for both parties, and everyone can continue better with their lives on their respective sides of the veil. With the emotional pain being gone, physical healing can come as a natural consequence for my clients. Not only we humans grieve. The people in the spirit world are grieving, too, as they come to terms with now being with spirit and not living in a body anymore. Not being able to physically be around their loved ones is often hard for the ones who passed, especially when they left a hurt relationship or there was no chance to say good-bye. By giving the departed ones a voice, I create an opportunity for them to say what they need to say so that they can evolve and continue their journey in spirit. We don't lose them when they move on, we're always deeply connected and bonded by love.  A psychic reading, in which I tune into potential and possibilities for the client, has the purpose of empowering them to take full ownership of and responsibility for their lives. With the information I read for them and the guidance from spirit, I support them in learning to trust their own intuition and in gaining clarity, so that they can make aligned decisions for themselves.  LOA Uncorked Assignment: Join the LOA community, subscribe at www.loauncorked.com

Podcast References:

Website: https://www.karenpsychic.com

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