Ok, LOAers, buckle up for another solo episode with all the fun, flare, and foundational concepts that anyone seeking a badassery lifestyle needs in their routine! But first, there will be plenty of banter about more highly skilled LOA supporters, Anthony and Theresa, who saved the LOA day and helped ensure our studio looks legit and ready for any red carpet event; little Jeanna’s first memory of a bitch and the unfortunate outcome; and just general (over?)sharing about what the LOA gals have been up to recently!

While Jeanna may never fully grasp the self love rebranding Holli has concocted (spoiler alert: self love = this bitch is up) she 100% grasps the importance of the four pillars of the This Bitch Is Up movement. Yep, Holli is convinced the rebranding will start a movement. And, let’s face it, if Holli rebrands something it warrants billboards, national campaigns, commercials - you know, all the things that start a movement!

So, what is This Bitch is Up you ask? Well, given the evolution of the connotation/meaning of the word bitch with the more hip, relevant, younger generations is actually a term of endearment and is positive. This Bitch Is Up is an anthem for ‘it is my time now and I am putting myself first’. Truth be told, most people don’t prioritize themselves, their health/wellbeing, joy and happiness nearly enough - let alone #1 on the list! But, we implore all LOAers to put your oxygen masks first, always.

Here are our 4 Guiding Badassery Principals to ensure you are up, bitch! Add these routines to your daily practices and know you will be supported and cared for throughout the day:

Be Intentional! Set the tone for the day (remember, thoughts become things), visualize the best day for YOU, prepare how you want to feel and mindfully embrace the day and your routine. Be ready to handle the potential joy derailers and personal triggers (LOA listener warning: expect another Holli rebrand of trigger soon) with mindful boundary setting and commitment to exploring, understanding, and eliminating triggers. Take Inspired Action! What does that even mean, you ask? The best way to decode what is inspired is what your heart and inner bitch is calling you to do. Where your heart flows is where you should go - that is inspired. Do more things not because you should do them but because you want to do them. Balance Your Energetic Hygiene! No Ph balancing involved. No special soap to purchase. Loofa not required. What is needed is your awareness of and commitment to a routine to ensure your energy is positive and healthy, you mitigate the impact of other people’s energy on you, and you routinely remove any negative energy from your energy field. Humans are energetic beings - and that is about as scientific as these LOA gals get! BUT, the LOA gals do know that bright, positive, healthy energy IS badass! Celebrate! Mindfulness is imperative throughout your day - especially when it comes to being present with the happenings and outcomes. It not only feels amazing to celebrate what you find, it is imperative to continual personal growth and evolution and sends a wink to the universe that you are indeed a trusted co-creator of your badassery life story! Celebrate small things just as much as the big things…it all builds such positive momentum! Who doesn’t want that!!!

LOA Uncorked Uplevel Assignment:

Incorporate these four principals into your routine and journal how you are executing the principals and how you feel, what you observe, and the joy and magic that comes your way! We invite you to (re)listen to Episode 55 with April Cornell - her energetic backpack concept is This Bitch Is Up rockstar shit! . We invite you to (re)listen to Episode 45 with Laniaya King - her cutting cords process has been an instrumental tool for the LOA gals and used on the daily!

As always, thanks for listening and we look forward to sharing more LOA badassery conversations with you! Please consider leaving a review and subscribing or dropping us a note to say hi and share your thoughts.

www.loauncorked.com | [email protected] | Insta: @loauncorked | FB: loauncorked