We are so excited for our listeners to join in on this powerful episode of LOA Uncorked - our guest, Jamie Lerner, shares heartfelt stories about connectedness with self, knowing, quickies and a twinkie.  And, YES, the quickies AND the twinkie stories are heartfelt... get your minds out of the gutter, people! You will hear that the LOA gals beg to be fast friends with Jamie (Holli’s new BFF with the restraining order ready and waiting to submit to her local authorities, if needed) and learned so much from the conversation.  We only hope you enjoy the conviction, the wisdom, and badassery of Jamie as much as Holli and Jeanna did!  

More about Jamie:

Jamie Lerner, co-author of the book The Ever-Loving Essence of You, can put a fresh spin on just about anything that anyone throws her way. Her unique and masterful ability to re-frame even the most difficult situations is astounding. All of a sudden your biggest nightmare becomes your greatest pleasure as she lovingly helps you sift through the contrast and find that small opening of light that quickly becomes your greatest jumping off point for clarity. Unassuming, reassuring and seemingly without any sense of ego, Jamie Lerner is able to put everyone and everything at ease. Jamie Lerner is an asset to any corporate setting. She is easily able to untangle the issues at hand and move right along into helping facilitate a solution-based platform for creative, productive, good-feeling collaboration and change. Jamie Lerner can most often be seen working with individuals, children, adults and couples as well as with small groups. She never positions herself as the expert of anything and is always reminding you that it is you who knows best for yourself ALWAYS.

Note from Jeanna: Procrastinators Unite! This episode was so incredibly self-affirming of my ‘brilliance’. Once we do take inspired action, we are not just going through the motion and accomplishing a task, we are creating brilliance!  Jamie Lerner is our Norma Ray!

LOA Uncorked Uplevel Assignment:

For one morning, sit with yourself quietly for five minutes.  Pay attention to your body and how it feels and state three things about yourself that you love. DO NOT feel the need to commit to more than that one day.  But if you enjoyed it, ask yourself if you’d like to do it again the next day.  If so, repeat and adapt based on what you and your spirit is asking for. Buy yourself a belated Valentine’s Day gift! 

Podcast References:

Jamie’s Website Jamie’s Book The Quickie!

As always, thanks for listening and we look forward to sharing more LOA badassery conversations with you!  Please consider leaving a review and subscribing or dropping us a note to say hi and share your thoughts.

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