We’ve started a series on sexual wholeness and today we are going to continue our conversation about Secrets of Sex & Marriage: 8 Surprises That Make All The Difference. If you missed last week, make sure you check out our initial interview with Shaunti Feldhahn. Today, in our conversation with Dr. Michael Sytsma we dive deeper into the practical reality of the data and how it can inform, and maybe transform, our thinking and our attitudes about sex and our spouses. Warning, when you talk with a sex therapist, nothing is off the table! Our guest unpacks the myths and the misunderstandings around our sex lives, even debunking one of the most widely held beliefs about sex. You'll have to tune in to hear what he says!


We hope these conversations will bring some healthy doses of biblical, clinical and relational truth your way as we talk about all things sex. Dr. Michael Sytsma is an ordained minister, licensed professional counselor, certified sex therapist, professor, and national speaker. With over 30 years of clinical experience in sex therapy, he founded Building Intimate Marriages, Inc. and co-founded Sexual Wholeness, Inc. He just co-authored the book, Secrets of Sex & Marriage, with Shaunti Feldhahn (who was featured in last week's episode, #175).


To connect with Dr. Sytsma, visit:

Book Website - https://secretsofsexandmarriage.com/

Twitter - https://twitter.com/drsytsma

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/buildingintimatemarriages/

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/intimatemarriage/

Website -  https://intimatemarriage.org/




If you've got kids, join us for the Perfectly Imperfect parenting conference, Every Parent Wants to Know, hosted by Christian Parenting. We (Jeff & Terra Mattson) will be sharing  biblical and clinical wisdom as we answer the question, "How do we help our children develop healthy sexuality?". This online conference launches on April 14, but you can watch and rewatch all the videos through the end of 2023. Get your tickets here:



We LOVE that you have decided to join us this week for the Living Wholehearted Podcast. We hope you enjoyed the conversation, tips, and resources to help you transform every relationship that matters most to you. If you think this will help someone you know, make sure you send it their way or share on socials. Tag us @living_wholehearted and @terramattson! Don't forget to FOLLOW/SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss an episode and help spread the word by leaving us some stars on a review. Thanks for partnering with us to help more leaders, just like you, who want to live and lead with integrity at home, work and in the community.  You can always subscribe to our monthly newsletters at livingwholehearted.com. And, if you are a girl mom, check out mycourageousgirls.com.


Until next time, be the leader you would follow!


Grateful for you,

Jeff & Terra


To connect with Jeff & Terra Mattson and Living Wholehearted, go to:

















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Shrinking the Integrity Gap e-Course 


Courageous: Being Daughters Rooted in Grace


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