Sexual intimacy is more deeply connected to emotional and spiritual intimacy than most of us realize. Maybe you’ve wondered why you don’t talk with your spouse about sexual intimacy? Maybe you feel like the years are full of too much hurt. Maybe you're a newlywed and want to build health in this area. Wherever you are today, we hope the conversation with our guest will be a catalyst to more wholeness in your sex life. Whether you're pastoring or counseling couples, engaged or newly married and ready to get your sex life off to a great start, or you’ve been married for decades, this episode will bring some helpful insights for you and those you lead. 


Over the next two episodes we are speaking with Shaunti Feldhahn and Dr. Michael Systma about their latest book, Secrets of Sex & Marriage: 8 Surprises That Make All The Difference. This is the first episode in our series on sexual wholeness and we just had to bring Dr. Sytsma and Shaunti on the podcast to share the latest research. They each view this topic through a unique lens and we think you will not only be encouraged and resourced in what healthy sexuality can look like, but you might find a starting point for a journey toward health and wholeness in this area of your life. 


Today we have the privilege of speaking with Shaunti Feldhahn. You might know Shaunti from her research on relationships and her many many books such as; For Men Only, For Women Only, or The Surprising Secrets of Highly Happy Marriages. Shaunti Feldhahn is a bestselling author, social researcher, speaker, and podcaster. With a graduate degree from Harvard, Shaunti uses her analytical background to help relationships thrive. She and her husband, Jeff, have co-authored groundbreaking relationship books with nearly 3 million copies sold. As a popular media commentator, Shaunti’s findings are regularly featured in both secular and faith-based media, including The TODAY Show, FamilyLife Radio, Focus on the Family, The New York Times and Cosmopolitan.


To connect with Shaunti Feldhahn, visit:

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Website -




If you've got kids, join us for the Perfectly Imperfect parenting conference, Every Parent Wants to Know, hosted by Christian Parenting. We (Jeff & Terra Mattson) will be sharing  biblical and clinical wisdom as we answer the question, "How do we help our children develop healthy sexuality?". This online conference launches on April 14, but you can watch and rewatch all the videos through the end of 2023. Get your tickets here:


We LOVE that you have decided to join us this week for the Living Wholehearted Podcast. We hope you enjoyed the conversation, tips, and resources to help you transform every relationship that matters most to you. If you think this will help someone you know, make sure you send it their way or share on socials. Tag us @living_wholehearted and @terramattson! Don't forget to FOLLOW/SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss an episode and help spread the word by leaving us some stars on a review. Thanks for partnering with us to help more leaders, just like you, who want to live and lead with integrity at home, work and in the community.  You can always subscribe to our monthly newsletters at And, if you are a girl mom, check out


Until next time, be the leader you would follow!


Grateful for you,

Jeff & Terra


To connect with Jeff & Terra Mattson and Living Wholehearted, go to:














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