If you are a parent or grandparent who is stressed out over exactly HOW you are going to be able to pay for a college education, Teresa and her special guest Jon Dault, have some good news for you.

Even if you've been told that it's "too late" for you to adequately plan your child's education; that you should have started years ago, or that you simply don't have enough income to manage college planning.. there is hope.

Financial strategist Jon Dault learned the hard-core truths about planning the hard way when he started thinking about how in the world he would be able to afford college for his SIX kids.

Dault's journey into the often unfathomable world of college planning led him to believe that many parents have been told the wrong things about college financing and money in general.  This bad advice is resulting in a lot of unnecessary stress and tension for families trying to put their kids through college without destroying their personal wealth.

Is it possible to save for college more efficiently, safely, and sanely?  How does an ordinary parent navigate the complex and confusing world of college planning and retain his or her sanity?  What is the university cartel failing to tell parents that results in a lot of needless stress and anxiety?

If you have ever stayed awake at night wondering how you were ever going to give your kids the higher education they want and need, you'll want to tune in to this presentation