What are the root causes of childhood affilications such as autism,chronic allergies, obesity, and other diseases?  Are they environmentally-related?  The result of genetically-modified foods, pesticides, or soil depletion?  Is better nutrition the key to healing?

Scientists and health advocates are often at odds when it comes to looking at childhood illness, but most agree that there IS a problem that should be addressed.

In 2010, the Center for Disease Control announced that 1 in 110 children have autism.  In just a few years, that number has increased to 1 in 68!

In addition, nearly 13% of kids in the US have some sort of  developmental disability.

Add to this the increasing number of obese children and children with moderate to severe allergies and it's easy to question whether or not the healthcare system and pharmaceutical industry in this country is doing the right things to help our children get and stay healthy.

Dr. Renee Tocco joins Teresa to reveal some of the more controversial and startling theories about why so many children are suffering from these severe health issues, and what needs to be done to help them.