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Many people don't come to grips with the reality of the astronomical cost of legal counsel in America until they find themselves involved in a lawsuit, get an unfair traffic ticket, or need to resolve a complex family issue.

The reality is that you stand a very great chance of becoming involved in a legal dispute or lawsuit at least once in your life.  The financial implications of these situations are huge sometimes resulting in financial hardship, the loss of a home, marital strife, or damage to reputation.

What if you had a way to inexpensively enlist the services of a top-notch attorney whenever the need arose, to assist you with everything from basic legal documents to criminal cases?

Larry Smith is a veteran entrepreneur and business leader who has discovered just that.  Larry's personal trials and challenges led him to join a company that provides top quality legal assistance to ordinary Americans for a price they can afford.  Larry thinks access to a good lawyer shouldn't have to be a special privilege of the wealthy and powerful and he'll discuss a way you can have good legal access for a fraction of the price.