
Death is the only life event that happens without fail...to every one of us.  Yet, it remains the last great American taboo. Talk show guests will make the most intimate revelations about their personal lives without batting an eye, but the subject of death and dying (something that WILL happen to us all) remains an uncomfortable subject.

Everyone knows that death is an absolute certainty and from an intellectual perspective most people think planning one's passing is a smart idea. 

In fact, a recent Washingon Post interview revealed that while 90% of Americans believe that death planning is a good idea.  However,  less than 10% of Americans actually have a plan in place for the end of their lives.

Financial planner, columnist, and end of life expert Christopher Hill joins Teresa to discuss how and why death planning is so critical to your peace of mind and the well-being of your loved ones.

Everyone needs to learn how to successfully plan for the inevitable.  You don't want to miss this show!