On Today's Podcast of Living Life Like It Matters, it is ‘Story time with Mr. Black’.  Today we celebrate Memorial Day.  Memorial Day is a day we commemorate those who gave it all.  Freedom is NOT free.  For over 200 years brave men and women have given their lives so that American can have the freedoms that make us America.  Today we seem to take our freedoms for granted as we see them dwindling away in the Progressive, Anti-American sentiment that seems to be taking over politics in our country.  And in today's new America we seem to have forgotten our local heroes, those warriors who keep our communities safe and protect our individual rights of where we live.  The right to freedom of property, freedom of safety and freedom to gather and voice our political opinions. The soldiers on those front lines are Law Enforcement Officers (LEO).  LEO’s have a thankless job in today's new America and are themselves targeted and under attack.  Most people could not do the job of these brave men and women in blue.  Today let us honor our Men and Women who put on the uniform.  Blue Lives Matter! Enjoy today's story time called, God made LEO’s! Tune into our new Podcasts every Monday and Thursday and build the pattern for; Living Life Like It Matters.

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On Today's Podcast of Living Life Like It Matters, it is ‘Story time with Mr. Black’.  Today we celebrate Memorial Day.  Memorial Day is a day we commemorate those who gave it all.  Freedom is NOT free.  For over 200 years brave men and women have given their lives so that American can have the freedoms that make us America.  Today we seem to take our freedoms for granted as we see them dwindling away in the Progressive, Anti-American sentiment that seems to be taking over politics in our country.  And in today's new America we seem to have forgotten our local heroes, those warriors who keep our communities safe and protect our individual rights of where we live.  The right to freedom of property, freedom of safety and freedom to gather and voice our political opinions. The soldiers on those front lines are Law Enforcement Officers (LEO).  LEO’s have a thankless job in today's new America and are themselves targeted and under attack.  Most people could not do the job of these brave men and women in blue.  Today let us honor our Men and Women who put on the uniform.  Blue Lives Matter! Enjoy today's story time called, God made LEO’s! Tune into our new Podcasts every Monday and Thursday and build the pattern for; Living Life Like It Matters.

See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.