Do you understand the environment that you live in? Are you aware that some things are not working well? Have you noticed the division, and the dissension in our country today? Does it seem like people are meaner, and less open to critical conversations? Have you seen the Wizard of Oz? When the powerful Oz, turned out to be a short, dumpy dude? Would you like to know how the Munchkin made people fear him and cower in fear over him? Demagogue: What IT is, and why IT matters

On today's Podcast of Living Life Like It Matters, Mr. Black takes a peek at our environment. No Today’s podcast is NOT green, and we are not ‘saving’ the Third Rock from the Sun. Today we are talking about the environment of our thoughts and the environment we live in, that we call, culture. Culture is a series of repeated norms, or acceptable behavior. In the study of Epigenetics we have learned that we are a community of roughly 300-trillion cells all driven by our environment. Our environment creates an ultimate cause-effect pattern. Culturally and socially, the accepted norms of society create the environment for many things to happen. As a leader we must be AWARE. Like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, we must pay attention to the person behind the green curtain. It is important to understand the programming and the narrative of society and our leaders, so that we are in control of our thoughts and choices. That is truly where our personal power lies. Enjoy today’s Podcast titled, ‘Demagogue: What IT is, and why IT matters'. Tune into our new Podcasts every Monday and Thursday, and build the pattern for; Living Life Like It Matters. 

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