Today's Jenn's Joy is Meditation. I've been consistently meditating for about 4 years and it has changed my life for the better. Meditation isn’t tied to any particular religion or idealogy. It is just a simple time to dig in to your own consciousness, feel connected to yourself and with everyone else, and to the Universe, God, Source. To get connected with the present moment and in what you are doing and to master your own inner self. 

So here are a few things I use or have tried:
10% Happier
Ziva Technique 

There are many different types of meditation and in my opinion, whatever one you choose and feels the best to you is the right one. As with most things there is no “one size fits all” to meditating.

If you need a little extra inspiration stay tuned for my upcoming Momspiration Box and inspirational and fun t’shirts, sweatshirts, and other stuff- I’ve got some things cooking!
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