Happy 3 Year Podcast-Aversary! I launched my podcast on May 19, 2020 and as I was writing these show notes I realized here we are on May 19, 2023!! Seems like a good episode being it's about reflecting on where it all began! Too bad I didn't realize what day it was when I was recording or I would have reflected on the journey of podcasting for 3 years! At any rate, THANK YOU for being here along this fun and adventurous journey!! Love you all!!

Today I want to remind you to take the time to reflect back on when you began your journey- whatever YOUR journey might be and to notice how far you've come from there! We all have our own journey and timeline and we often forget how far we've come when we feel like it's taking longer than we want to get "there".
If you haven't started your journey, then this is also a reminder to just START! Start today and make it a day 1- we all have a day 1 and you won't get anywhere if you never begin!

Enjoy your day!! 😃

📢 I'd love to know your thoughts (DM me on IG) and if you enjoyed this episode, SHARE it with your Mom friends!! 

Also, take a screenshot, share it on IG and tag me! Let's grow this Movement!! @IronMom_Life 

If you haven't already, I'd be super grateful if you'd please leave a review on Apple Podcasts! Go HERE

Let's Connect:

📲 Follow me on IG @IronMom_Life

💻 If you would like to work with me 1 on 1, please email me at [email protected]

Mentioned in the episode:
Check out Go Brewing NA beer at gobrewing.com 

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