Are you aware that your brain automatically attaches meanings to situations, actions, events? How about, did you know that you can switch the trajectory of life by changing the meanings we attach to things? This is the topic of today's episode- the meaning we attach to things.

We all attach meanings to things and events often times right away these meanings can be negative. Our brain defaults to the negative. Fortunately, we have the ability to flip those meanings and have them become more positive or upbeat. Shift the meaning from something bad to something good. 

We have to become conscious of the meanings we put on situations, people, comments, etc. It’s not easy AT ALL! I struggle with it too. Our brain naturally goes to the negative most times- why are they doing that, why did that happen to me, what did I do wrong, what the hell is wrong with them, etc. If we can take that half second to stop and think, whoa, I’m going to choose a different and better meaning for this. I’m going to attach a better meaning to this, our lives would drastically improve.

We can become a master of creating our own meanings instead of defaulting to the crap meanings that our brain wants to initially give that are negative and bad.  We must consciously stop that in its tracks and redirect to something else that will be more helpful and serves us better. When you shift the meaning, it shifts the energy and can change the direction moving forward immediately. 

How will you shift your meaning? I'd love to know a situation you've been in that you believe you could shift your meaning for the next time- send me a DM on IG @livingjoyfulandwell.

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Enjoy the Day!! 

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