Today I want to chat about something that weighs heavily on my mind, may be a little controversial, and is the trend that seems to be rampant these days. The blatant banning or blocking of alternative health methods and alternative practitioners across the board is incredibly concerning.

As someone who likes to research health related subjects, I want all of the information, not just what a certain group of people want me to know. I want the mainstream health information and I also want the natural, functional, and even the woo woo information. How about you? Are you ok with people telling you what to do or what to think or would you rather research and think for yourself? I'm guessing you are more like me and you want to know it all.

Taking care of our own health is of utmost importance, and as a Mom, taking care of our kids health and keeping them safe is our #1 priority. Nobody cares more about you or them than you do. Don't forget that! Make sure you are minding your health and not allowing someone else to dictate what you should or shouldn't do.

Give this one a listen with an open mind and full heart. We do not have to agree and you may think completely differently than I do, but for me, this is super important to share and scary how fast some things are happening.

If you enjoyed this episode, I would love to know your biggest takeaway- I know this stuff is controversial and can cause some tension, but in my opinion, it is SUPER important. The more you know, the better off you will be! Let me know your thoughts- take a screenshot of you listening and tag me or hit me up with a DM on IG @livingjoyfulandwell. I can’t wait to hear from you! Until next time…

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