Have you ever found yourself walking through tragedy only to feel like you’re going to die? As if there is no hope for you? Swallowed in things to do and mindsets you “should” have, but it’s all too overwhelming. Rachel shares her story of a recent tragedy she and her family walked through. Rainbows and butterflies were not quite the things she experienced, but learning to find hope is what she had to do. Rachel quickly learned that she wouldn’t be able to handle the weight of what she was carrying if she didn’t find hope.


Rachel teaches us how to mourn and still look for opportunities of hope. Her wisdom in this episode is pure gold and will leave you feeling encouraged whether you’re personally walking through tragedy or know a friend who is.


Not only does Rachel share her story, but she also shows us how to thrive in other areas of life. Her personal online shop has taken off in the past year. She has exploded with growth and has learned how to find her thing. She has learned, failed, and failed again, but Rachel believes failure leads us to the right path.


If you’re feeling stuck in your life and struggling to know what to do with your time or career, you’re going to gain so much insight from this week's episode. 

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