How to make a decision, choose the right school, car, career, etc. Decisions can be exhausting and really stressful, am I right? The average adult makes 25,000 decisions a week! How insane is that?! Talk about exhausting. Making decisions can be so challenging because we don't want to mess up, make the wrong choice, or let other people down. How many hours a day do you waste thinking about the decisions you need to make? Probably a lot. 

Today we are discussing how to confidently make decisions. This can be overwhelming, but when we apply this key framework, we can make decisions with confidence! 

If you want to be a better leader, a more confident gal, or better executor than you're going to love this episode! 


A self-improvement podcast for the woman who wants to grow her faith, relationships, and daily living! Take intention with your life. 

Instagram: @callieammons
