Have you ever wanted to experience freedom in your life? Freedom from stress, anxiety, heartache, and more? I have too. Often times we want to experience freedom, but we don't want to do the work that it takes in order to experience freedom.

Today I have the privledge of interviewing Mandy Meehan. Mandy has lived through a lot in the past three years, but at the same time she's still experiencing freedom. She's chosen to live differently and intentionally with her life because she knows the why behind it. Her Why is JESUS. By living intentionally, Mandy has experienced hope and joy through the midst of harship. She and her husband James to a live of intention and it has inspired me to live more intentionally. When we take our life seriously and live with ownership, we experience a level of abundance within our soul. It's not something that will happen to us on accident. It takes being different than the world. 

If you're ready to experience hope and a new level of freedom, tune into this episode.



YouTube: Mandy Meehan

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