As humans we're constantly looking for love. In our deepest being, we desire to be loved and to have community. We were created for it. So what are we supposed to do when we feel unloved by peoples behavior with us? 

In today's episode we're going to look into two key concepts of what love is and how to have true loving relationships with others. The first concepts we discuss is what love is and asking the question of what do we expect of others? We often put false expectations on others and call it "love," but in reality it's manipulation and disappoint waiting to happen.

The second concept we discuss is how to love others with a genuine heart. We often try to do the "right" thing by outward appearance, but we ignore our heart position. I could give someone the nicest and most expensive gift in the world, but if I don't love them inwardly, then my gift is meaningless. It's deceiving in what "love" looks like.

There is a time to give a nice gift and to be present, but the amount of what we "do" does not measure someones love and for an individual. At times, the most loving thing is to be distant and not as present. Sounds different, right? If you want to know how to love others better and what to expect in return, listen to this episode! 



Say Hi on Instagram: @callieammons