Join Mary and her part time co-host, Lindsley Brooks, in this month’s 2nd episode on MONEY. Have you ever thought about your money mindset? Every wondered why money causes you to want to run and hide, shut down or maybe even rebel? In today’s episode, Mary and Lindsley share their personal journeys of how they went from a scarcity mindset to a mindset of abundance! This vulnerable conversation is an invitation into a deeper awareness of how your money mindset might still be controlling you and what you can do about it. With this new awareness, you’ll be able to gradually move into a new mindset of enough.


In this episode, we chat about…

How money affects relationships.  How we often don’t have to deal with our money issues until we have no choice.  How our money mindsets are often passed down to us from our family of origin. The deeply rooted belief that acceptance and love is tied to money.  Making peace with being broke in order to really be wealthy. What you make is what you believe you are worth.  How the mindset of the people you surround yourself with can set you back. How abundance is all around and doesn’t change based on how you feel about it.  And more!




Each month will be a deep dive into a topic that supports you on your journey to living more fully alive. 
December’s topic will be on MONEY. 
Make sure to check out all the episodes from this month’s topic.


Full List of Episodes & Show Notes:

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