Join Mary and her very special guest, Ally Wise! Ally is a Trauma-Informed Life Transformation Coach, the founder of The Reconnection Process and the soon-to-come online platform Awakened Life and Leadership Institute (ALLI). She is passionate about healing, transformation and unlocking human potential. This work comes from the depth of her heart and her mission is to guide and support the unfolding of your own transformative power. Life brought Ally into this work. A car accident as a teenager left Ally’s nervous system in a state of shutdown. This brought Ally to yoga and meditation. This is when she was able to shift her attention from outside to inside and embrace that the internal is the source of our experience. We have all experienced trauma in some shape or form. Being able to identify your trauma and how it got there is key to creating gentle shifts to reconnect to your own unique body wisdom.     



-Shifting from the external to the internal

-Allowing your body to be your guide 

-What is trauma and how it impacts the body

-How collective trauma impacts us as individuals 

-How cultural messages cause women to disconnect from their bodies 

-Identifying and meeting your basic needs 

-Tapping into the stored emotions and unresolved trauma in the body

-How your nervous system is helping to keep you safe

-How symptoms in the body are trying to help us 


Each month will be a deep dive into a topic that supports you on your journey to living more fully alive. June’s topic will be on BODY WISDOM. 



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