Is it just me or does making friends as an adult seem complicated?!

When we’re younger it seems we have more opportunities to meet people or more time to connect and hang with our girlfriends…

But then life happens… we marry, have kids, build our careers… who has time to make or invest in friendships?!

And yet, we’re wired for community! So then why does it seem so complicated to make new friends as an adult? 


How do you make healthy adult friendships?

Well, you’re about to find out! 

On today’s podcast episode, Lindsley Brooks and I have a VERY special guest for you, Lisa Whelchel.  

You may know her as Blair from the long running television comedy called, The Facts of Life but what you may not know is she’s a life coach and wrote a book on friendships for grownups!

Listen in on her story and discover what she’s learned along the way about making healthy adult friendships.


In today's episode we explore…

How our own inner childhood wounding can keep us from creating intimate friendships.  Tips for finding your tribe when you feel like you don’t fit in. The belief that “it's really hard to make friends." Practical ways and tips for making healthy friendships and building community.  What a “healthy” friend or a “safe person” looks like!  How to go deeper in a friendship when you’re afraid of looking “needy." Plus, so much more!


SEASON 2: Each month will be a deep dive into a topic that supports you on your journey to living more fully alive.
August’s topic will be on COMMUNITY.
Make sure to check out all the episodes from this month’s topic.


Find Lisa Whelchel at:

Full List of Episodes & Show Notes:

Babe, Redefined 6 Week Course:

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