Join Mary and her part time co-host Lindsley Brooks in the second episode of this month’s topic of BODY CONNECTION.

You’ve probably heard Mary use words and phrases like, “embody”, ”tuning into the body”,  and “being fully in your body”… 

But what does that mean!? And what does the body really have to do with living fully alive?!

Mary and Lindsley believe that our bodies are the missing link to the life we’ve been searching for… it plays a crucial role to our emotional and spiritual healing and overall well-being. 

In today’s episode Mary and Lindsley explore all about this topic and more! 


In this episode you’ll discover: 

What does it mean to “embody” your body? The language of your body and how it speaks to you. How to use your body like a navigational system to discover your best life. The warning signs that you are disembodied and disconnected from your body. A simple embodiment practice and meditation to bring awareness, reconnect you to your body and help you navigate your life.  How your body says YES and how your body says NO. A quick technique for snapping you out of fear and back into your body.




Each month will be a deep dive into a topic that supports you on your journey to living more fully alive. 
October’s topic will be on BODY CONNECTION. 
Make sure to check out all the episodes from this month’s topic.


Full List of Episodes & Show Notes:

Babe, Redefined 6 Week Course:

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