Join Mary as she offers the first of several guided meditations in Season 3. As you tune in to the regular episodes and learn more about your emotions and feelings, it’s important to slow down to integrate what you are learning. Mary is a certified Kundalini Yoga, meditation and breathwork teacher, and brings over a decade of experience in this area. In this guided meditation, she will guide you through an easy basic check-in.

You’ll be invited to come into the present moment to observe your thoughts, your emotions and your body through the lens of compassion and curiosity.

Self awareness goes hand in hand with emotional intelligence and learning how to observe what is already occurring in the mind and body opens the door to deeper self love, acceptance and healing.


No meditation experience needed.



- If possible, find a quiet and comfortable place. (But even a car works!)

-Sit comfortably upright.

-If you want, put on your favorite meditation music in the background.

-Simply follow Mary’s guided meditation.

-Relax, take the pressure off and enjoy!



In this 8 part series we will be talking about Feeling To Heal in order to Live Fully Alive




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