I talk a lot about the power of your thoughts and the power of yours words. This has been the single most powerful thing that I’ve done on my journey through self discovery to living fully alive. And it’s watching what comes out of my mouth.

I think about the power of my words, and how important it is to train our brains, train yourself to believe something, that’s all our beliefs are anyways, something that we’ve told oursevles over and over again enough times that we believe it is true. Our words are so powerful. They literally create neuropathways in our brain that end up being the road map to our entire life. It’s how we interpret our lives, by the affirmations we are affirming to ourselves every day. You are already saying affirmations every day whether you realize it or not. The stories you tell yourself every day: This is a really hard week. I’m so exhausted. I’m so stressed out. I’m so overwhelmed. There aren’t any people in my town that I’d want to be friends with, money doesn’t grow on trees, I’ve always been broke, I’m so sick, it’s just genetic, people are so stupid, no one will want to buy this from me, I can’t speak to save my life, I’m so awkward... These are all affirmations. Everything coming out of your mouth is an affirmation. Your brain can’t judge for you. And when they are unconscious, you never have any control over what these affirmations are. They are default. The same things that were taught to you by your parents, church, school, friends, environment, culture etc - and they could be the cause of some really deep pain in your life. It takes everything you say or think as fact. It’s up to YOU to challenge your thoughts and rewrite them if they aren’t what you want to be true.

So I want to help you effectively train your brain so that you DO have choice over your life. Choice over what you are affirming. So that you are affirming things that are life giving. That you choose to believe the best about who you are, and the best about the world. Because it’s all relative.


So let’s train our brains the way we want to. That rigs life in our favor. Let’s exercise our creative agency, and affirm some powerful beliefs in our life. But before I share 4 tips on supercharging your affirmations… I’ll have to explain one of the biggest problems with them.

People will create these great affirmations and start saying them daily. They sound good, they are formulated correctly, they should be working.

BUT HERE IS THE Problem with affirmations:

When you say something over and over again but your BODY doesn’t believe it - it’s going to be incongruent and it won’t take root.

If your physiology isn’t engaged, you body says NOPE. We can’t get there. There is discord and you can’t really believe it.

So the secret is engaging your body. Y’ALL THIS IS PROFOUND. When you learn how to do this, it will be a game changer for your affirmations. It will actually rewire your brain so quickly. And it will knock fear in the face. It will create a state that is magnetic. That pulls things to you. That manifests what you are working on creating. The secret is in the body. Just saying your affirmations is not enough.

And this is why Tony Robbins changed the name from affirmation to INCANTATION. It’s a small but POWERFUL distinction.

“An incantation is not only that you speak it, but you embody what you are saying with all the intensity that you can. And then you do it with enough repetitions that it sticks in your head. If you don’t change your physiology you won’t get anything.” - Tony Robbins

We don’t hope to be in a good state, we demand it. And we do this through engaging our bodies. We are signaling to our central nervous system that we are READY!

When you say your affirmations from now on, you have to get your body in a peak state.

So I want to share with you my 4 secrets to supercharge your affirmations by engaging your BODY.

4 Secrets:

Stand up - engage your whole body - One of Tony’s incantations “God’s wealth is circulating in my life, it flows to me in avalanches of abundance, all my needs, desires and goals, instantaneously appear by infinite intelligence for I am one with God and God is everything!" Energy/Emotions - actor playing out a role. We want every affirmation to generate an emotion. Because our emotions are like magnets. They call in the same vibration. Emotions are just vibrations. And we create them. If I told you to get really sad right now, could you do it? Yes or no? YES. If I told you to get happy right now could you do it, yes or no? Yes. Even though positive emotions feel a little harder sometimes because we don’t have as much practice feeling them. And our negative emotions are often much easier to get to because we’ve just practiced them to the point where it feels easy and natural. But our emotions are magnets. When we feel love - we attract love. When we feel generosity we attract generosity. It colors our lens. It’s what we experience, it’s what we see. It’s a state we are in. But we can CREATE emotions and energy. Like an actor... Shake your head up and down for yes FEEL gratitude - elevated feeling at the end. Visualize it. Feel it as though it were already true. Pause after the hype to slow down and feel the gratitude in your heart. What does gratitude feel like? Where do you feel it? Train your body!

“The heart generates the largest electromagnetic field in the body… The electrical field is about 60 times great in amplitude than the brain waves. The magnetic component of the heart’s field, which is around 100 times stronger than that produced by the brain…can be measured several feet away from the body.” -Rollin McCraty, PhD

So y’all the secret is in your physiology - so use this to your advantage. When you work out - do your affirmations. When you’re in the car - scream your affirmations. Find places where you can get to an elevated emotion and move that body as you affirm to your brain your best life! YES YES YES!